Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Yoga for your Ears...

If you're anything like me, you've ventured into a Yoga Studio at least once, and laid yourself out on that mat all the while silently cursing and wondering why your body just don't bend! Well, fret no more inflexible brethren, you CAN do yoga after all! Check out the link below to learn more about NADA YOGA ( yes, that's the real name!) Nada Yoga means "union through sound" and it's practice is said to be the art and science of inner transformation through sound and tone!

Basically, applied practice of Nada Yoga is one Universal path to Self-Realization and can be practiced by anyone, anywhere, no matter your race or creed! For those of you who don't know the first thing about yoga, there are many categories including:

Jnana yoga, the yoga of knowledge and self-inquiry
Bhakti Yoga, the yoga of devotion
Karma Yoga, the yoga of service
Kriya Yoga, the yoga of technique
Raja Yoga, a yoga integrating all the other four forms
Hatha Yoga, a basic form of Kriya Yoga, is the yoga of physicality, postures, and movement. It's probably the most well-known form of yoga in the West; however, the main classical text on yoga - the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - discusses physical postures (Hatha Yoga) in only three of its two hundred verses.

For more info on Nada Yoga, and its practice: Check this link out:

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